Case studies

An Upgrade was commissioned by a large energy company to Upgrade Maximo to the latest version. ECCS assisted with the Technical Upgrade which was conducted over a CITRIX Framework. Many of the new features of Maximo were rolled out during the Upgrade. Due to the Integration of Maximo with the Financial System, functionality was customised to meet with Business Processes.

involved creating bespoke Training Material, compiling E-learning Packages, arranging logistics of the Training Venues within the UK and Ireland and delivering the Training both face to face and using conferencing media.


ECCS started in 1991, is one of the most established implementation providers in the UK for EAM/IWMS and wishes to remain an independent centre of excellence committed to finding customers the most appropriate solutions to suit their needs. Working hand in hand with addressing regulatory and current global issues and utilising the very latest innovative technologies, ECCS is putting its clients one step ahead.


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